Reference Info

Converting Inches and Fractions of and Inch Into Decimals of a Foot
Decimal and Metric Equivalent of Fractions of an Inch
U.S. Equivalents of Metric Weights and Measures
Metric Equivalents of U.S. Weights and Measures
Metric Weights and Measures
Gauge Thicknesses
U.S. Gallons in Round Tanks
Theoretical Weight of Steel Circles
Circumferences and Areas of Circles
Burned or Sheared Flat Shapes
Burned Flat Shapes
Common Formed Shapes
Ordering Guide For Structural Rolling
ASTM Standards For Ferrous Metals
A36 - Tensile Requirements
Chemical Compositions
Fabricating Practice For Cold Forming
Tri-Ten Steel
Tri-Ten Chemical Compostions
Tri-Ten Fabricating Practice For Cold Forming
A 572 Ex-Ten 50
Ex-Ten Chemical Compostion
Ex-Ten Fabricating Practice For Cold Forming
A 514 Constructional Alloy Steel - Plates
Constructional Alloy Steel Chemical Compostion
Constructional Alloy Steel Cold Forming Data For Plates
T-1 Type B
T-1 Type B Chemical Composition
T-1 Type B Cold Forming Data For Plates
Average Properties of Standard Steels