Carbon & Alloys

Sheared And Burned Plates

Plates carried in stock for the following specifications.
Custom shearing and burning available upon request.

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Size In Inches Theoretical Weight
3/16 (7.65 # sq. ft.)
48x 96 245
120 306
144 367
240 612
60 x 144 459
240 765
288 918
72 x 144 550
240 918
288 1102
96 x 240 1224
288 1469
1/4 (10.20 # sq. ft.)
48x 96 326
120 408
144 490
240 816
288 979
60 x 120 510
144 612
240 1020
288 1224
72 x 240 1224
288 1469
96 x240 1632
288 1958
120 x 240 2040
360 3060
5/16 (12.75 # sq. ft.)
48 x 240 1020
60 x 240 1275
72 x 240 1530
96 x 240 2040
3/8 (15.30 # sq. ft.)
48x 96 490
120 612
240 1224
60 x 240 1530
288 1836
72 x 240 1836
288 2203
360 2754
96 x 240 2448
288 2938
360 3674
120x 240 3060
288 3672
1/2 (20.40 # sq. ft.)
48x 96 653
120 816
240 1632
60 x 240 2040
288 2448
96 x 240 3264
288 3916
360 4896
120x 240 4080
360 6120
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