Carbon & Alloys

Flattened Expanded Metal

Carbon Steel

Style Wt. in lbs. per c.s.f. Standard Sizes in Feet Size of Openings in inches Center to Center of Bond in inches Sizes of Strands in inches Percent Open Area Overall Thickness in inches
Plain galv. Width Length Width Length Width Length Width Thickness
3/16” - #24 48 A B B .085 .459 .200 .52 .057 .019 41 .019
3/16” - #22 60 A B B .085 .459 .200 .52 .057 .024 40 .024
3/16” - #20 72 A B B .085 .459 .200 .52 .057 .029 39 .029
1/4” - #20 83 124 4 8 .094 .688 .255 1.03 .086 .030 47 .303
1/4” - #18 111 165 4 8 .094 .688 .255 1.03 .086 .040 40 .040
1/2” - #20 40 51 4 8 .375 1.000 .500 1.26 .070 .029 72 .029
1/2” - #18 66 88 3-4-6 8-10 .281 1.000 .500 1.26 .109 .039 69 .039
1/2” - #16 82 100 3-4-6 8-10 .250 1.000 .500 1.26 .103 .050 60 .050
1/2” - #13 140 162 3-4-6 8-10 .250 1.000 .500 1.26 .122 .070 57 .070
3/4” - #16 51 61 3-4-6 8-10 .750 1.750 .923 2.10 .115 .048 75 .048
3/4” - # 13 75 86 3-4-6 8-10 .688 1.782 .923 2.10 .119 .070 73 .070
3/4” - #9 171 186 3-4-6 8-10-12 .563 1.688 .923 2.12 .164 .120 63 .120
1” - #16 41 50 4 8 .875 2.250 1.090 2.56 .115 .048 77 .048
1-1/2” - #16 38 44 4 8 1.063 2.750 1.330 3.20 .123 .048 82 .048
1-1/2” - #14 46 56 3-4-6 8 1.063 2.750 1.330 3.20 .138 .060 82 .060
1-1/2” - #13 57 68 3-4-6 8 1.063 2.750 1.330 3.20 .138 .070 80 .070
1-1/2” - #9 111 128 3-4-6 8-10-12 1.000 2.563 1.330 3.20 .175 .110 77 .110

These are also available in Aluminum and Stainless Steel.
Please contact your Sales Rep for more information.

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