Reference Info

A 572 Ex-Ten 50

Mechanical Properties Plates, Bars, Structural HR Sheets CR Sheets
Yield Point Min PSI 50000 50000 50000
Tensile Strength Min PSI 65000 65000 65000
Elong. 8” Min % 18    
Elong. 2” Min % 21 22 20

Impact Properties
Charpy V-Notch
L / TCVN @ -40 DEGREES F 20 / 15 Ft. / Lbs. (TYPICAL)
L / TCVN @ 0 DEGREES F 23 / 18 Ft. / Lbs. (TYPICAL)
L / TCVN @ 32 DEGREES F 25 / 20 Ft. / Lbs. (TYPICAL)

Ex-Ten Chemical Compostion

  C Max. Mn Max. P Max. S Max. Si Max. Cb Min. V Min.
HR & CR Sheets 0.2 1 0.04 0.05 0.3 0.01  
Plates and Bars 0.23 1.35 0.04 0.05 0.3    

Ex-Ten Fabricating Practice For Cold Forming

Thickness Suggest Min. Inside Radius for Angle Bends
Up to .187 Incl. 1 1/2t
Over .187 to .2299 (Sheets Only) 2t
Plates (1/2” Max) 2 1/2t

Hot forming is recommended for plates over ½” thick. Hot forming may result in the lowering of the as-rolled mechanical properties.

“Ex-Ten 50®” is a registered trademark of United States Steel.

t = Times (x) Thickness

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